
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Of Mice and Motorcycles

Keith starting reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle to Michael a few weeks ago. I wouldn't have thought he was ready for it, and I think there are lots of things he misses or doesn't follow. But he understands the story. He loves the idea of a mouse riding a tiny, mouse-sized motorcycle that moves by making an engine noise. He loves the interaction between the a mouse and a boy, and he loves the threat of owls outside.

We've been reading it before his nap, and sometimes afterwards over a cup of tea. Today I came down from putting his brothers to bed, and he'd opened it and found the chapter where we'd left off. We read two, because he asked for another (happy Mama heart!), and now there is just one left.

I am so pleased that this world has opened for him, for us, especially just as the seasons start to turn. How wonderful to settle in to read when the winter is all outdoors; to be cooped up inside and enter the wider world of a story.

(I may be thinking of doing 31 posts in 31 days? Or some version of it, just to get blogging again? Just noticing/reflecting on/documenting moments from our daily life? Not sure I have the guts to commit ... but we'll see. :) )


  1. oh how lovely and special!!! makes my heart happy! God bless you and your family!

  2. I LOVE when they start being old enough for chapter books! So enjoyable for all parties, and so nice to just be able to snuggle up together with a good book and share all your favorites from childhood :)

  3. books are THE best thing for kids. We read to our kids every single night and they loved it.

  4. Last year was the first year we started reading chapter books. I absolutely love it! It is everything to me. We discuss things we never would without the themes and new words and characters in the books. Reading is one of the few things of motherhood that I feel I'm doing a pretty great job of... but then again. It's so stinking easy. We read a couple of the Ralph books last year. So cute!
