
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I know that autumn is still a ways off ... but this morning feels and almost smells of fall. I love it. Love love love love. Some of my friends tell me that once my kids get a bit older, I will love summer most and be sad when it ends, because when the weather gets colder the children get pent up inside and have less ways to burn their energy.

But you know what? I am deeply, irrationally, twirl-around-the-house-and-make-spontaneous-pancakes happy right now, and it is because it feels like fall. Summer will never be my favorite season. Autumn lives somewhere deep in my being and it will never go away.

I had to get up and out of the house with my family by 8:30 this morning (this is highly unusual for the Callenberg clan) and I threw on a blue wrap and it wasn't quite warm enough, but that is okay. I love few things more than walking in sunny and slightly chilly weather. We had to be back home by 10:30 and when I took Michael out of his stroller to put him in the carseat, he protested. I know, I told him--I felt the same way. We just wanted to stay outside and soak it in.

Right now he is napping. After he wakes up I think we will go out again, if it isn't raining.

Michael's favorite word right now is "happy" and I have no idea if he knows what it means. But he'll be playing with his toys and suddenly he just starts repeating it over and over. Happy, happy, happy. And when I look at him he grins.

On to yarn.

Still working on the blanket. I will be finished by the weekend, most likely. And then ... I don't know what I'll do with myself, since I have to wait for more yarn and fabric and other nesting supplies until September 1st. I guess I'll sew that poor, lonely sleeve that's patiently been waiting to join its sweater.

I finished A Dance with Dragons (FINALLY) although somehow I managed to skip a good five chapters in the middle and had to go back and read them. I was getting really angry because as I neared the end of the book it was clear something IMPORTANT had happened and was being referred to, and I was like, "What the HECK George RR Martin, why didn't we get to see that?!" Except it was in the chapters I skipped. Whoops. I blame it on reading at 2am while sitting in L&D at the hospital. (Yes, I took a trip to the hospital last weekend. The babies and I are all fine; it was one of those "better safe than sorry" things. I'm hoping not to make a habit of this in the next few months.)

Now I am reading The Art of the Visit by Kathy Bertone. It is a good book. But I am not sure if I'll finish it, because it touches on some things I am struggling with right now. We'll see!

Linking up with Ginny's yarn along.


  1. Wow - that book sounds like one I need to read. If it wasn't a stupid Kindle "book" (it doesn't earn the honor of that appellation), I would ask to borrow it...

  2. Autumn is definitely my favorite season. I am loving these cooler temps right now myself. It makes me want to knit more and be outside enjoying it.

  3. I am here on this earth to tell you you will NOT like summer once the kids are in school. I never did. There is nothing like sending the kids off on a bus on a crisp fall morning :) Today was freezing wasn't it? We were all out and about and all not dressed for the weather, it was wonderful.

  4. Glad to hear that you and the babies are okay! A middle of the night trip to the hospital doesn't sound fun.

    1. It wasn't too fun! But I had a follow-up appointment with my OB yesterday and he said everything's still looking good. No "irritable uterus" or anything like that. :)

  5. Your dialog with George RR Martin is cracking me up. :) ....As I struggle through 33 audio CD's that are the second Outlander book - it's nice not to be the only one.
